Baeza pays tribute to Machado


Towards the end of October 1912, the poet moved to Baeza to fill the vacancy of Senior French Master at the local general and technical secondary school. This meant the modernist writer left Soria behind following the recent death of his wife Leonor Izquierdo. This is the point of departure for “Antonio Machado y Baeza. 1912-2012. Cien años de un encuentro”. This is a comprehensive exhibition that displays (Baeza Town Hall, from 22 February to 1 November) texts written by one of the more representative members of Spain’s 1898 Generation (la Generación del 98), paintings, contemporary documents, photos… that testify to the close ties between Machado and this town in Andalusia.

The book on the exhibition -a softcover with 252 inside pages- has been published by the Baeza Local Authority and the Sociedad Estatal de Acción Cultural, and printed at Artes Gráficas Palermo.